
August adaptations

Hello to your part of the globe. It’s been a month full of movement here. Objects, shelves, and goals changed in interesting ways.

A FB reminder revealed that the cubby hadn’t been cleaned, sorted, or gone through since it was installed. If you’ve been here and seen the situation, you know how it was nearly impossible to reach some areas. Now, it looks like this – and there are shelves just for paint. It is a marvel it happened in a weekend, but it did.

Another weekend took us to Buffalo to watch Sabrina – Donna Hoke’s daughter – direct “The Way It Is,” an intense two-hander well done by the actors. Incredible women passed away and we attended their memorials this month. It also contained the real hurt that Husband’s twin is no longer on earth. Of course the idea is always there, that we’ll die, too, but in these recent times, we’ve been discussing and refining our own last path. (Nothing definite, other than cremation and certain cookies)

Speaking of paths, someone took the wrong one and well, let’s say if a puppy is a lot of work, one with bandages is more so. She’ll be fine, the vet (Thank you Dr. Spinks!) checked the stitches yesterday and the healing is going well.

Otherwise, it’s clean, clean, clean while I wait to find out if jury duty is in my future. Thanks for checking in. Sorry it’s such a brief post, but did I mention the puppy? May September be full of beauty and peace for you. Cheers!

It’s My Birthday

I’m sure it’s a matter of paying attention more than anything, but when I have a certain book on my bedside table and flip through it before I go to sleep, the oddest coincidences occur. It’s called “There are No Accidents.” I’m still not convinced.

Anyway, I’m older. Yeah me for not dying in the last 364 days.

The weather was finally decent and I took a walk to the creek. Surprise! The idiot neighbor placed a branch in the middle of the path. *Sigh* If you happen to know this moron, could you please point out to him that it’s easier for me to walk over there and move his phallic symbol twice a day than it is for him to go up and down the hill? I’m really sorry his brain, penis, and prestige at work are all so tiny, but really, enough. I mean if there was a point to it, okay, but there’s not. All it does it irritate me and he needn’t bother. I have relatives for that. (I’m kidding. Most of them are decent human beings. One or two of them though, I’d like to run DNA tests on before condemning a whole alien species based on the behavior of just a few imbeciles.)

Otherwise, I may be going to the Buffalo Small Press Book Fair with Mary Jo on Saturday. Details are being worked out. I hope she’s feeling well enough to do her reading.

I’m still at work on “The Life &.”  My MC was going to start a fight and I didn’t want to her to, so I punished her by not writing very much for a few days. It’s strange–this writing gig. I love FB and Twitter, Zoetrope and the other sites I’ve been on in the past. If I had these characters in my head and thought I was the only one who knew them to be as real as real people, I’d commit myself.

I have queries sent to three agents. I know, I should get more out, but I’m still dealing with an April Fool’s joke or a missed rejection. I sent two stories to a magazine in January. Only one has been rejected so far. *Sigh* I’d love to think I have a shot, but it’s such a very long shot…

The three types of peppers I planted have come up. I expect to see the tomatoes any day. Spring is a lovely time of year.


Anyway, if you wished me well on Facebook, I do appreciate the gesture. Sorry I’m not all happy happy joy joy about surviving this year. I took some big hits emotionally. I’m sure you’re sick of my remembrances of the dead and/or dying so I won’t do a recap. Really, that’s what I’m thinking about today. It doesn’t get any better than this does it? First world white girl problems. Yeah!

Thank you for stopping by and reading!

(*These are just my creek side reflections. Your experiences may vary.)